Journal of Meteorological Research杂志

Journal of Meteorological Research杂志


Journal of Meteorological Research杂志杂志收录

CSCD 中国科学引文数据库来源期刊(含扩展版),SCI 科学引文索引(美),万方收录(中),上海图书馆馆藏,剑桥科学文摘,国家图书馆馆藏,文摘与引文数据库,知网收录(中),维普收录(中)

Journal of Meteorological Research杂志杂志荣誉


Journal of Meteorological Research杂志杂志社审稿


Journal of Meteorological Research杂志期刊简介


  《Journal of Meteorological Research》(《气象学报》(英文版))(双月刊)创刊于1987年,是中国气象学会主办、中国科协主管的全国性大气科学学术性期刊.

  《Journal of Meteorological Research》旨在对外反映我国大气科学领域中新科研成果,为大气科学研究提供学术交流阵地,推动我国大气科学基础研究和理论研究迅速发展,服务于我国气象现代化建设事业。

  《Journal of Meteorological Research》以气象及水文、海洋、环境等相关学科的科研人员、高等院校师生为主要读者对象,刊登动力气象学、天气学、气候学、数值天气预报、大气物理学、大气化学、大气探测、人工影响天气及应用气象学等大气科学各主要分支学科的代表我国研究新水平的创造性论文;国内外大气科学发展动态的综合评述;大气科学新观点、新理论、新技术、新方法的介绍;大气科学研究工作简报及重要学术会议报道;国内大气科学专著的评介。

  Journal of Meteorological Research杂志栏目设置



  CSCD 中国科学引文数据库来源期刊(含扩展版),SCI 科学引文索引(美),万方收录(中),上海图书馆馆藏,剑桥科学文摘,国家图书馆馆藏,文摘与引文数据库,知网收录(中),维普收录(中)




  1.Manuscripts should be submitted with regular margins and the pages must be numbered consecutively . Brevity and lucidity are encouraged and papers each consisting of less than 25 pages include figures, tables, and references are preferred. Each manuscript generally includes the following components: (1) title, author's name, a±liation; (2) abstract; (3) key words; (4) text; (5) acknowledgment; (6) appendix; (7) references; and (8) tables and figures.

  2.References should be arranged alphabetically without numbering at the end of the paper and the text citation should consist of the name of the author and the year of publication. The references for articles and books should be in the following form respectively:

  1).Parasnis, S. S., and S. S. Goyal, 1989: Thermodynamic feature of the atmospheric boundary during the summer monsoon. Atmos. Environment, 24, 743- 753.

  2).Zhang Jiabao, 1984: Intr oduction to Xinjiang Precipitation. China Meteorological Press, 14-16. (in Chinese)

  3).Zeng Qingcun, 1994: Experiments of seasonal and extraseasonal predictions of summer monsoon precipitation. Proceedings of International Conference on Monsoon Variability and Predictability , Trieste, 9- 13 May 1994, 25-27.

  3.Figures should be mentioned specifically and numbered consecutively in the text. All the figures are preferably made about twice final size and lettering should be large enough so that after reduction the smallest character will be at least 1.5 mm high. Give a detailed caption to each figure and note the approximate location of each figure and its caption in the text.

  4.Tables should be typed directly at the appropriate locations in the text and arranged successively with Arabic numerals.

  5.Footnotes, other than those which refer to the title heading, should be numbered successively and placed at the foot of the page to which they refer (not at the end of the paper). The authors requested to reduce the use of footnotes to a minimum.

  6.The International System of Units should be used throughout. Words and symbols should not be mixed; in general, symbols should be used only when preceded by a number. Unit symbols are not punctuated, i.e., they are not treated as abbreviation; the same symbol is used for both singular and plural. Abbreviation should be avoided, especially of organizations, and acronyms should be identified with the first use. The other items not mentioned here should be dealt with according to the worldwide conventional rules.

