分类:SCI论文发表 时间:2023-09-13 热度:882
World Journal of Clinical Cases是SCI几区刊物?SCI期刊是有分区划分的,根据影响因子划分为四个分区,查看期刊的分区是很有必要的,毕竟不同分区的期刊学术水平也是不同的。
经查询,World Journal of Clinical Cases是SCI4区期刊,相比SCI1区、2区期刊来说要靠后一些。但不要绝对SCI4区期刊投稿就很容易了,普通的论文是很难发表SCI4区论文的,要提前了解清楚要求并做好准备。
World Journal of Clinical Cases
期刊简介:The World Journal of Clinical Cases (WJCC) is a high-quality, peer reviewed, open-access journal. The primary task of WJCC is to rapidly publish high-quality original articles, reviews, editorials, and case reports in the field of clinical cases. In order to promote productive academic communication, the peer review process for the WJCC is transparent; to this end, all published manuscripts are accompanied by the anonymized reviewers’ comments as well as the authors’ responses. The primary aims of the WJCC are to improve diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive modalities and the skills of clinicians and to guide clinical practice in clinical cases.
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