分类:SCI论文发表 时间:2023-12-17 热度:506
Petroleum Exploration and Development是SCI几区期刊吗?SCI属于国际上比较权威的数据库,收录的期刊属于领域内比较优秀的刊物。投稿之前要了解清楚期刊的内容,根据征稿要求提前做好准备。
经查询,Petroleum Exploration and Development是SCI2区期刊,属于位置比较靠前的刊物,对论文的要求是比较高的。一般的论文很难发表SCI期刊,要根据论文内容选择符合的刊物投稿,接下来,详细的介绍一下期刊的内容:
Petroleum Exploration and Development
期刊简介:Petroleum Exploration and Development aims to contribute to the scientific and technological development of petroleum exploration and production and to promote the innovative ability of scholars and workers. The journal publishes, in both Chinese and English, original papers on all aspects of petroleum sciences, including petroleum geology, geophysics, geochemistry, exploration and development of oil and gas fields, reservoir engineering, reservoir protection and stimulation, oil storage and transportation, oil and gas chemistry, petroleum machinery, petroleum business administration, and history of the petroleum industry.
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