分类:SCI论文发表 时间:2023-09-02 热度:812
ECOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS是TOP期刊吗?TOP期刊就是指各个专业内的顶尖刊物,想要在TOP期刊上发表论文可不简单,期刊对论文的质量要求是比较高的,发表之前要了解清楚要求。
经查询,ECOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS是SCI1区期刊,属于TOP期刊。每本期刊对论文的要求都是不同的,接下来,详细的介绍一下期刊内容。
期刊简介:The vision for Ecological Monographs is that it should be the place for publishing integrative, synthetic papers that elaborate new directions for the field of ecology.
Original Research Papers published in Ecological Monographs will continue to document complex observational, experimental, or theoretical studies that by their very integrated nature defy dissolution into shorter publications focused on a single topic or message.
Reviews will be comprehensive and synthetic papers that establish new benchmarks in the field, define directions for future research, contribute to fundamental understanding of ecological principles, and derive principles for ecological management in its broadest sense (including, but not limited to: conservation, mitigation, restoration, and pro-active protection of the environment). Reviews should reflect the full development of a topic and encompass relevant natural history, observational and experimental data, analyses, models, and theory. Reviews published in Ecological Monographs should further blur the boundaries between “basic” and “applied” ecology.
以上是针对ECOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS是TOP期刊吗的内容介绍,仅供参考,如果有人员想要了解更多关于SCI期刊的内容,可以咨询本站的学术顾问为您解答。