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允悲!eLife已被On hold

分类:SCI论文发表 时间:2024-10-25 热度:438

  同志们,生命科学领域知名期刊eLife已被On hold!计划投稿的,抓紧另选期刊吧!已经投了的,能撤就撤!

eLife已被On hold

  eLife期刊针对wos的On hold,还做出了强硬的回应!

  Update on eLife's indexing status atWeb of Science

  Following Web of Science's decision to place eLife "on hold" while it reevaluates oulreview process, we explain what this means for authors and outline our next steps

  Web of Science, the platform operated by Clarivate, has paused indexing eLifeVersions of Record in Science Citation Index Expanded (SClE), the commercialindex that produces the Journal Impact Factor. This decision came into effect on October 23.2024.

  In the eLife Model, we provide public reviews and assessments of preprints usingcontrolled vocabulary to convey the significance of the findings and strength ofevidence, This includes highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the work.Despite our rigorous process of selecting papers for review, public peer reviewand assessment, Web of Science's current policy excludes research from SCIEwhere publication has been decoupled from “validation" by peer review. eLife istherefore “on hold” while Web of Science reevaluates our model against itseditorial evaluation criteria.

  Since the very beginning, eLife has recognised the need for more meaningfulresearch assessment that goes bevond vague metrics such as lournal ImpactFactors, As a long-term signatory of the Declaration on Research Assessment wehave never supported the lmpact Factor and never wanted one. Publication aloneis a poor signal and measure of validity, A journal name or its Impact Factor sayslittle about the auality of any individual research article, Instead we created amodel that reviews, assesses and directly engages with research without the needfor proxies.

  Our model is much more renresentative of how scientific discourse really worksThe alternative is a svstem that reiects submissions after peer review only forthem to be resubmitted elsewhere until they are eventually published. Thisdecision from Web of Science stifles attempts to show how publishing and peerreview can be improved using open science principles, and instead gives theappearance of ongoing support for established and ineffective publishing modelsthat have needed to change for so long.

  Although some authors may have questions or concerns, they can be reassuredthat their work will remain widely indexed: Reviewed Preprints are indexed byGoogle Scholar and Versions of Record (the final version of the work) are indexedby PubMed, the Directory of Open Access Journals, OpenAlex and many otherdatabases.

  We will be in close discussion with our funders, our partner institutions and ourcolleagues throughout the open science community to address any concerns as wedecide how to proceed.

  For any questions and comments in the meantime, please contact us at press [at]elifesciences ldot] org.


文章名称:允悲!eLife已被On hold




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